Logging in to Laurel

Downloading and logging into Laurel

Sydney Lott avatar
Written by Sydney Lott
Updated over a week ago

With Laurel, your daily workflow will no longer be interrupted by the start-and-stop of filling out timesheets. Get ready for timekeeping, reimagined. ✨

Laurel works using two parts:

  1. Laurel Assistant: a program installed on your computer that keeps track of your work activities throughout your day

  2. Laurel Web-based app: where you'll manage your time entries from your personal account

Laurel Assistant pushes your activities to the Laurel web app, where they will be displayed on your Timeline.

Logging in to Laurel Assistant

Once your firm has Laurel configured for your use, you'll be able to log into Laurel Assistant with your firm credentials.

If you can't find the software on your computer, try searching for "Laurel" in the Windows search field on your task bar. Alternatively, open your icon panel in the bottom right of your desktop (indicated with a carat like this ^) and click on our logo.

πŸ“ Note: Your firm will typically automatically install Laurel Assistant on your computer. If you're unable to locate it on your device, please contact your firm's IT.

Once logged in, click "Open application" to automatically open the web-based application in a new browser window.

Logging in to the Laurel Website

Laurel will only collect your activities from the device where Laurel Assistant is installed. However, you're able to view and edit your Timesheet through the Laurel web app on any browser. Just head to app.laurel.ai and log in using your SSO credentials for efficient timekeeping, everywhere.

Log in Expiration

You'll stay logged in to the Laurel systems for a period of time for your convenience:

  • Laurel Desktop Assistants: 30 days

  • Laurel Website: 30 days

When your access expires, you will need to sign in again.

πŸ“ Note: Your firm may have set security restrictions that require you to log in more frequently.

🧠 Remember: You must be logged in to the Laurel Assistant in order for your work to be collected! We'll let you know if you're logged out with a pop-up on the bottom right corner of your screen.

With access to Laurel Assistant and the web app, you're ready to get started! Check out some of our other articles to start taking back time, and taking back life. πŸ’ͺ

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