Work History
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Written by Suchit
Updated over a week ago

Laurel collects all the work you do - from the hour long conferences all the way down to the 20 second email replies you send. With Work History, Laurel automatically organizes your collected work, allowing you to easily navigate through your tasks.

At the top of your Work History, you'll find Work Groups. Laurel intelligently organizes the hundreds of activities you work on all day and presents you with just a handful of work groups that should be billed together.

Beneath the groups, you'll find a chronological list of all of your activities. You can add both Work Groups and Activities to your timesheet as billable entries.

TLDR: Check out this video for a <1 min overview of Work History!

Viewing Work Groups & Their Associated Activities

Each work group is a collection of work you've done throughout the day, gathered by title. This could be emails in the same thread, or time working on and off a document. Laurel automatically adds the total time you spent on that work group for the day.

Navigate through the available work groups by using the arrows, or select 'Show All' to view them all at once.

To see each work activity within a group, click the caret.

πŸ“ Note: We know you do a lot of multitasking. While we aim to capture your activity comprehensively, there may be instances of overlapping work captured throughout your day (for example: emails you write while you're on a call) that need to be reconciled for accurate billing. For activities that are part of the same Work Group, overlapping durations will be reconciled automatically.

​We're continuing to build logic that helps total your time intelligently, but keep in mind that you are ultimately the arbiter of your time. You may need to add, remove, or edit activities to accurately represent the work you've performed.

Adding Work Groups and Activities to your Timesheet

Any work group can be converted into an entry by clicking the +Entry button. You can also add multiple groups to a single entry by continuing to click +Entry on other groups. To add from your activity list, hover over the activity and click +Add.

Adding an item from your Work History to your timesheet automatically pre-calculates the billing increment and fills the narrative field.

You can delete any Work Group you do not wish to bill for. This action removes the Work Group but keeps the underlying activities available as unassigned on the timeline, ensuring no data loss.

You'll also notice that when you select a work group, the individual activities belonging to that group are highlighted in the list below.

πŸ“ Top tip: Simplify your workflow by choosing 'Show All' to instantly display all work groups, making it easy to add them in one go.

Adding to an Existing Entry

For any entry created using a work group, when you click the entry, you can see the activities that make up the entry highlighted in the History panel.

To add additional items to an existing entry, Select 'Groups' to add a new work group, or 'Filtered for Entry' to add a new activity.

Adding work groups removes them from the Grouped view, so you can focus on the remaining work groups!

Accepting Initiative Predictions

In addition to grouping work activities, Laurel also predicts the initiative or matter that a work group belongs to. You can click on the green checkmark to create an entry in on click.

It's easy to reject suggestions as well by simply clicking the X button inside the suggestion chip.

Laurel predicts initiatives for work groups instead of individual activities.

Ungrouping Activities

Sometimes, Laurel may include an activity in a group that you want to bill for separately or perhaps, not at all. It's easy to remove such an activity from any group simply by hovering over the activity, then clicking the Remove button.

Ungrouping an activity simply creates a new cluster of one with just that ungrouped activity.

Activities List

The activity list in your history panel is a chronological list of your tasks. We recommend using work groups for larger tasks and then referring to your Activity list to manage your remaining activities.

You can add individual captured activities to your timesheet by hovering over an item and clicking "+Add". Delete an activity that you do not want to bill for by clicking the trash icon.

You'll also see times when Laurel did not capture any online work, marked as "Open Time." Add any Open Time duration to the previous/next captured activity, or create a brand new entry with an Open Time slot.


Use the search option to quickly locate and create entries for specific items in your history.

Filter Your Activities List

Use filters to efficiently manage your list of activities.

Use the unassigned time filter to remove activities already assigned, or utilize the activities filter to only display specific activities.

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