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Frequently Asked Questions
Questions, troubleshooting, and more!
How do I add a website to be collected on my Work Activity?Track all of the websites you use for online research purposes.
How do I know if Laurel is collecting my work?
What does Laurel collect?
How do I delete an entry?
Does Laurel collect my personal activity?
Does Laurel collect activity on my cell phone?
Laurel Windows Assistant vs. Cloud Assistants
How do I submit my time entries to my billing system?
How do I use my Work Activity?
How do I reassign an entry to a new matter/project?
How do I adjust my time zone?
I can't find a matter/project in Laurel.We're here to help!
I can’t see all of Laurel’s functionality or
buttons on my screen
Why am I getting a release error?
Why is my time stuck in pending?
FAQ Library
Can I edit a time entry after it's been released?
How do I create/access a narrative template?
Can I change my calendar start date?
Can I reassign entries across multiple days?
Laurel Connect SFTP Folder Access
How to Prevent Outlook Security Prompts When Using Laurel AssistantHelp for users experiencing an Outlook security prompt when using Laurel.